Oscar Franco

C++ and Android notes

Aug 2023

Random notes I take as I write C++ for Android

Standard Template Library (STL)

The Standard Template Library (STL) is a set of C++ template classes to provide common programming data structures and functions such as lists, stacks, arrays, etc. It is a library of container classes, algorithms, and iterators. It is a generalized library and so, its components are parameterized.

To use the STL, one would have to depend on a “shared library” (for simplicity, we’ll call it libc++.so) in the system one is executing the binary in. There are two ways to link this “shared library”, either statically or dynamically.

Static vs Dynamic Linking

Statically means that the C++ runtime will be bundled with the C++ binary.

Dynamically means that the C++ binary will not include C++ runtime, but will utilize the system’s dynamic linker in order to find the necessary STL methods.

One STL per-app

Quoting from the relevant pages in developer.android.com:

An application should not use more than one C++ runtime. The various STLs are not compatible with one another.

Nuclear explosion example

  • You try to compile your app with ANDROID_STL=gnustl_static
  • 3rd-party library foo has ANDROID_STL=c++_shared

Two STLs, GNU’s and LLVM’s, will exist in one app. Both STLs have functions and structures that will go through different name mangling processes which would produce unique function names. So for example, std::to_string could exist with the mangled name of _ZN9to7string6E in LLVM’s STL and _AX8to2string5D in GNU’s STL. This is actually good. When calling one std::to_string from a native function that is expecting GNU’s mangled name, it will get GNU’s version of std::to_string and vice versa.

The issues occur when both STLs produce the same mangled name, which is very much the case in std::exception, for example. Or another issue occurs when [std::to_string exists in one STL and does not exist at all in another STL](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22774009/android-ndk-stdto-string-support).

Not so nuclear example

  • App has ANDROID_STL=gnustl_static

  • 3rd-party library foo has ANDROID_STL=c++_static

This situation differs from Case #1 since there is no dynamic linking neither in the app nor in the 3rd-party library foo. This is gonna cause two STLs to exist in the same app space where all global data, static constructors and imported functions to also exit in the app space, but that still should not cause any linkage issues only as long as the two runtimes have zero communication between each other.

To note, Facebook’s Yoga builds two shared libraries natively, libfb.so and libyoga.so, both of which are built with, as of the time of writing, c++_static, which is LLVM’s C++ static runtime variant. This means that they don’t have to worry about the app developer including GNU’s STL or some other STL in the mix. More on this issue here

Android header libraries

The NDK exposes some libraries out of convenience, but unfortunately not all of them (curl, sqlite, etc are not available)


After much trial and error I found no easy-to-break way of linking against the OS libsqlite. It’s just not worth it also because each vendor can potentially modify them and also on older OS versions you are using outdated versions.