Oscar Franco

Add gap support to Native Wind 2.x.x

Aug 2023

I’m a big fan of Tailwind CSS. On React Native I use Nativewind.

There is however a small problem with the 2.X.X version of Nativewind, it doesn’t support the gap property, which was added on RN 0.70.

We can however patch this functionality (without using the unstable 3.x.x branch).

Add the following to tailwind.config.js

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */

const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin");

module.exports = {
  content: ["./App.tsx", "./src/**/*.{ts,tsx}"],
  theme: {
    g: ({ theme }) => theme("spacing"), // ADD THIS FUNCTION
    extend: {
      colors: {
        lightPurple: "#6360EB",
        darkPurple: "#001448",
  plugins: [
    plugin(function ({ matchUtilities, theme }) {
          g: (value) => ({
            gap: value,
        { values: theme("g") }

Use patch-package to patch the list of supported properties

Internally Nativewind maintains a list of supported properties, and gap is not among them, so we are going to have to patch-package it. Create a patch nativewind+2.0.11.patch file in your patches directory, with the following content:

diff --git a/node_modules/nativewind/dist/postcss/to-react-native/is-invalid-property.js b/node_modules/nativewind/dist/postcss/to-react-native/is-invalid-property.js
index 7d7715b..56472bc 100644
--- a/node_modules/nativewind/dist/postcss/to-react-native/is-invalid-property.js
+++ b/node_modules/nativewind/dist/postcss/to-react-native/is-invalid-property.js
@@ -1,120 +1,121 @@
-"use strict";
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-exports.isInvalidProperty = void 0;
+'use strict'
+Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {value: true})
+exports.isInvalidProperty = void 0
 function isInvalidProperty(property) {
-    return !validProps.has(property);
+  return !validProps.has(property)
-exports.isInvalidProperty = isInvalidProperty;
+exports.isInvalidProperty = isInvalidProperty
 const validProps = new Set([
-    "alignContent",
-    "alignItems",
-    "alignSelf",
-    "aspectRatio",
-    "backfaceVisibility",
-    "backgroundColor",
-    "borderBottomColor",
-    "borderBottomEndRadius",
-    "borderBottomLeftRadius",
-    "borderBottomRightRadius",
-    "borderBottomStartRadius",
-    "borderBottomWidth",
-    "borderColor",
-    "borderEndColor",
-    "borderEndWidth",
-    "borderLeftColor",
-    "borderLeftWidth",
-    "borderRadius",
-    "borderRightColor",
-    "borderRightWidth",
-    "borderStartColor",
-    "borderStartWidth",
-    "borderStyle",
-    "borderTopColor",
-    "borderTopEndRadius",
-    "borderTopLeftRadius",
-    "borderTopRightRadius",
-    "borderTopStartRadius",
-    "borderTopWidth",
-    "borderWidth",
-    "bottom",
-    "color",
-    "direction",
-    "display",
-    "elevation",
-    "end",
-    "flex",
-    "flexBasis",
-    "flexDirection",
-    "flexGrow",
-    "flexShrink",
-    "flexWrap",
-    "fontFamily",
-    "fontSize",
-    "fontStyle",
-    "fontVariant",
-    "fontWeight",
-    "height",
-    "includeFontPadding",
-    "justifyContent",
-    "left",
-    "letterSpacing",
-    "lineHeight",
-    "margin",
-    "marginBottom",
-    "marginEnd",
-    "marginHorizontal",
-    "marginLeft",
-    "marginRight",
-    "marginStart",
-    "marginTop",
-    "marginVertical",
-    "maxHeight",
-    "maxWidth",
-    "minHeight",
-    "minWidth",
-    "opacity",
-    "overflow",
-    "overlayColor",
-    "padding",
-    "paddingBottom",
-    "paddingEnd",
-    "paddingHorizontal",
-    "paddingLeft",
-    "paddingRight",
-    "paddingStart",
-    "paddingTop",
-    "paddingVertical",
-    "position",
-    "resizeMode",
-    "right",
-    "rotation",
-    "scaleX",
-    "scaleY",
-    "shadowColor",
-    "shadowOffset",
-    "shadowOpacity",
-    "shadowRadius",
-    "start",
-    "textAlign",
-    "textAlignVertical",
-    "textDecorationColor",
-    "textDecorationLine",
-    "textDecorationStyle",
-    "textShadowColor",
-    "textShadowOffset",
-    "textShadowRadius",
-    "textTransform",
-    "tintColor",
-    "top",
-    "transform",
-    "transformMatrix",
-    "translateX",
-    "translateY",
-    "width",
-    "writingDirection",
-    "zIndex",
-    /* SVG Props */
-    "fill",
-    "stroke",
-    "strokeWidth",
+  'alignContent',
+  'alignItems',
+  'alignSelf',
+  'aspectRatio',
+  'backfaceVisibility',
+  'backgroundColor',
+  'borderBottomColor',
+  'borderBottomEndRadius',
+  'borderBottomLeftRadius',
+  'borderBottomRightRadius',
+  'borderBottomStartRadius',
+  'borderBottomWidth',
+  'borderColor',
+  'borderEndColor',
+  'borderEndWidth',
+  'borderLeftColor',
+  'borderLeftWidth',
+  'borderRadius',
+  'borderRightColor',
+  'borderRightWidth',
+  'borderStartColor',
+  'borderStartWidth',
+  'borderStyle',
+  'borderTopColor',
+  'borderTopEndRadius',
+  'borderTopLeftRadius',
+  'borderTopRightRadius',
+  'borderTopStartRadius',
+  'borderTopWidth',
+  'borderWidth',
+  'bottom',
+  'color',
+  'direction',
+  'display',
+  'elevation',
+  'end',
+  'flex',
+  'flexBasis',
+  'flexDirection',
+  'flexGrow',
+  'flexShrink',
+  'flexWrap',
+  'fontFamily',
+  'fontSize',
+  'fontStyle',
+  'fontVariant',
+  'fontWeight',
+  'height',
+  'includeFontPadding',
+  'justifyContent',
+  'left',
+  'letterSpacing',
+  'lineHeight',
+  'margin',
+  'marginBottom',
+  'marginEnd',
+  'marginHorizontal',
+  'marginLeft',
+  'marginRight',
+  'marginStart',
+  'marginTop',
+  'marginVertical',
+  'maxHeight',
+  'maxWidth',
+  'minHeight',
+  'minWidth',
+  'opacity',
+  'overflow',
+  'overlayColor',
+  'padding',
+  'paddingBottom',
+  'paddingEnd',
+  'paddingHorizontal',
+  'paddingLeft',
+  'paddingRight',
+  'paddingStart',
+  'paddingTop',
+  'paddingVertical',
+  'position',
+  'resizeMode',
+  'right',
+  'rotation',
+  'scaleX',
+  'scaleY',
+  'shadowColor',
+  'shadowOffset',
+  'shadowOpacity',
+  'shadowRadius',
+  'start',
+  'textAlign',
+  'textAlignVertical',
+  'textDecorationColor',
+  'textDecorationLine',
+  'textDecorationStyle',
+  'textShadowColor',
+  'textShadowOffset',
+  'textShadowRadius',
+  'textTransform',
+  'tintColor',
+  'top',
+  'transform',
+  'transformMatrix',
+  'translateX',
+  'translateY',
+  'width',
+  'writingDirection',
+  'zIndex',
+  'gap',
+  /* SVG Props */
+  'fill',
+  'stroke',
+  'strokeWidth',

Actually we only need to add gap to the list, but my formatter cleaned everything and I’m too lazy to clean it :)

Afterwards you can run yarn again for the patch to take effect, restart the packager (maybe with –reset-cache) and you can now use the gap property via g-[n] utilities.